2003 Championship Shows
3 Counties  Ch Show 2003

Paignton Ch Show

Click here for the results


Minor puppy dog no 1 and no 2

Puppy dog no 1 and no 2

Junior dog no 1

Post Graduatedog no 1

Post Graduatedog no 1 and no2

Limit dog no 1 and no2

Open Dog Class Dog no 2 is Ch Lindenka Brannigan winner of the res CC No 4 Is the CC winner

Best dog and later on BOB Winner Ariostea Pilgrim To Ashgate(Imp)

Puppy bitch class

 Limit Bitch no 1 and no2  
Bitch CC Gilbri Plaid Maid at Lymehills
     Res CC Benary Spinelle

Windsor Ch Show


Minor puppy dog no 1 and no 2

Puppy dog Class

Puppy dog no 1 and no 2

Junior dog no 1 and no 2

Post Graduate dog class

Post Graduate dog no 1 and no 2

Limit dog no 1 and no 2

Open Dog no 1 + CC Ch Ariostea Pilgrim To Ashgate

Open Dog no2 + Res CC Sarmac Merry Duke

Post Grad. bitch no 1 and no 2

Open bitch no 1 and no 2

Limit bitch no 1 and no 2

Bitch CC & BOB Krisma Cactus

Best pup challenge 
Best dog Pup Llovall License To Thrill
Best puppy no 2: Underholt Snow Crystal

South Wales and East of England
More SWHWTC 2003 Ch Show
Click here for WHWTC of England Ch show

All photos ©LLOVALLDesign

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